DBE Program

Delaware River Port Authority Policy Statement 2024 (26.1, 26.23)

The Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA) opposes unlawful discrimination of any kind. The DRPA is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and is firmly committed to providing equal employment and business opportunities for all persons.

The DRPA receives federal financial assistance from the Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and as a condition of receiving this assistance, the DRPA has signed an assurance that it will comply with 49 CFR Part 26. We will work to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of federally assisted contracts. To that end, the DRPA has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program that meets the objectives of DOT regulations. Our DBE program is narrowly tailored in accordance with applicable law.

On February 28, 2012, pursuant to the Final Rule set forth in Federal Register [76 FR 5083 - Disadvantaged Business Enterprise: Program Improvement], DRPA submitted an amendment to its DBE Program, entitled SBE Participation Element to the Federal Transit Administration. The FTA approved the DRPA's proposed SBE Participation Element on September 17, 2012, finding that the Authority's SBE Participation Element meets the requirements set forth in the DBE regulations.

Toni P. Brown, Chief Administrative Officer at the Delaware River Port Authority, serves as the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Liaison Officer (DBELO) for DRPA. As the DBELO, Ms. Brown has direct, independent access to me. She is responsible for implementing all aspects of the DRPA’s DBE program. Ms. Brown is supported in this effort by the Office of Business Development & Equal Opportunity, which is led by Sonia L. Inman, Manager, EEO.

Implementation of the DBE program is accorded the same priority as compliance with all other legal obligations incurred by the DRPA in its financial assistance agreements with the federal DOT. As further evidence of our continued commitment to upholding regulations set forth by the FTA, the DRPA proposed an overall DBE goal of 16% (14% race-conscious and 2% raceneutral). We received FTA concurrence of our FFY 2023-2025 DBE goal methodology on July 20, 2022.

This policy statement has been disseminated to DRPA’s Board of Commissioners and appropriate departments throughout our agency. We also include this statement in bid and proposal documents and distribute copies of same to bidders and proposers at all pre-bid/ pre-proposal meetings for FTA-assisted projects. This statement is distributed to the public in our quarterly newsletter, instant e-alert notifications to subscribers, and can also be found on DRPA’s website. Request for additional information about our DBE program may be submitted to the Office of Business Development & Equal Opportunity at BusinessDevelopment@drpa.org.

The Delaware River Port Authority is a member of the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program (PAUCP) and the New Jersey Unified Certification Program (NJUCP).  
John T. Hanson
Chief Executive Officer, DRPA

Date: 1/2024

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