Youth Exploration
Building Connections & Serving the Communities
Youth Exploration is a DRPA Community Education Initiative in concert with other Authority departments, designed to promote awareness and stimulate the interest in middle and high school students by providing a platform which allows them to explore the transportation, bridges, engineering and safety industry. As part of this initiative students participate in hands on STEM focused activities, visit our bridges, trains and afforded the benefit of presentations by experts in various fields.
As a school, company or organization you may select from several model initiatives for students to explore.
- Field Trip - Students will have an opportunity to visit and tour the Benjamin Franklin Bridge by way of the walk way and benefit from brief presentation from DRPA staff members. Students will leave with a foundational understanding and appreciation of bridge history, construction and management careers.
- Ride PATCO - Students can ride the PATCO line while receiving a brief presentation on how to ride the train safely, the history & the value it serves in the community.
- Shadow Steps - Students who demonstrate an interest in the Engineering, safety and first responder’s careers will have an opportunity to benefit from spending a day on site with a DRPA staff member and explore firsthand what the day to day responsibilities entail.
- Building Bridges - A selection of the DRPA team will provide a 1 hour presentation on DRPA, Bridges, safety and engineering careers. During the presentation the team will provide a real life scenario and specifications for students to build their own bridges while solving a world problem. The DRPA team will also be a part of the judging and selection process.
Any of the above initiatives may also be combined or selected individually.
If you are interested in participating in our Youth Exploration program, click here.